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GCN Circular 1881

GRB 030226, optical observations
2003-02-26T08:28:13Z (22 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
K. von Braun (DTM), P. Garnavich (Notre Dame), K. Stanek (CfA)

We have imaged the error circle of the HETE burst GRB 030226
with the 40-inch Swope telescope at Las Campanas beginning
Feb. 26.30  (UT). The R-band images confirm the presence
of a new source (GCN 1879). We derive a position of
RA=11:33:04.92  DEC=+25:53:55.62 (2000) based on stars from
the USNO A-2.0 catalog.  Assuming the USNO star with end figures
of 03.214 51:30.73 has an R mag of 15.0, we estimate the
brightness of the transient at R=18.0.

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