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GCN Circular 19028

GRB 160220A: MASTER-Amur observations
2016-02-20T09:39:50Z (9 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
D.Buckley, S. Potter, M.Kotze
South African Astronomical Observatory

A.Gabovich, V.Yurkov, Yu.Sergienko, D.Varda
Blagoveschensk Educational State University, Blagoveschensk

E. Gorbovskoy, V. Lipunov, V.Kornilov, D.Kuvshinov, N.Tyurina, P.Balanutsa, 
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University

K.Ivanov, N.M.Budnev, O.Gres, V.A.Poleshchuk
Irkutsk State University

A. Tlatov, V.Senik, A.V. Parhomenko, D. Dormidontov
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory

R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias

MASTER-SAAO  robotic telescope (MASTER-Net: 
located in SAAO was pointed to the  GRB160220A (Lien et al., GCN #19023) 
22 sec after notice time and 65 
sec after trigger time at 2016-02-20 01:26:34 UT. On our first (10s 
exposure)  set we haven`t found optical transient  within SWIFT error-box 
(ra=15 47 41 dec=-18 33 16 r=0.050000).
The 5-sigma upper limit has been about 15.5mag
The automatically generated table image limits you can see below:

Pro.ID Pro.type      time      Exp.	Limit	Filt.   Tube
                        UT        s       mag  polaroid

162238	Alert 	    01:26:34	10	15.5	P/	EAST
162239	Alert       01:26:34	10      15.5	P\	WEST
162240	Alert 	    01:26:56	20	14.8	P/	EAST
162241  Alert       01:26:56    20      14.8    P\      WEST
162241  Alert       01:26:56    20      14.8    P\      WEST
162242  Alert       01:27:29    20      16.7    P/      EAST
162243  Alert       01:27:29    20      16.6    P\      WEST
162244  Alert       01:28:02    30      17.9    P/      EAST
162245  Alert       01:28:02    30      17.9    P\      WEST
162246  Alert       01:28:44    40      16.5    P/      EAST
162247 	Alert 	    01:28:44 	40 	16.4 	P\ 	WEST
162264 SumAlert     01:26:56    70      17.7    P/      EAST
162265 SumAlert     01:26:56    70      17.8    P\      WEST
162266 SumAlert     01:28:44   150      18.2    P/      EAST
162267 SumAlert     01:28:44   150      18.3    P\      WEST
162323 SumAlert     01:26:56   670	19.3	P/	EAST
162321 SumAlert     01:26:56   670	19.1	P\	WEST

162338 SumAlert     01:40:23  1800	19.4	P/	EAST
162337 SumAlert     01:40:23  1800 	19.2 	P\ 	WEST

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