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GCN Circular 1912

GRB 030228, optical observations
2003-03-01T19:12:58Z (22 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
K. von Braun (DTM), P. Garnavich (Notre Dame), K. Stanek (CfA)

We imaged the error circle of the INTEGRAL trigger 225 with
the 1-m Swope telescope on Mar. 1.38 (UT) which is 11 hours
after the burst. A single 600s exposure was obtained
in the I-band.  This is a low Galactic latitude field but
extinction in this direction is only 0.6 mag in the I-band based
on the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998, ApJ, 500, 525) maps.
Stellar crowding limits the detection threshold to rather bright
magnitudes. Compared with the digitized sky survey IR plate we
find no new sources within the 10' diameter error circle down
to I=19 based on a rough calibration with a Landolt standard field.

We do find an existing star which is significantly brighter in our
CCD image than on the DSS plate at 17:56:44.46 -37:52:57 (2000)
which we identify as the infrared source IRAS 17533-3752 and its
detection is probably due to a combination of a large IR excess and
a filter mismatch.

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