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GCN Circular 19193

LIGO/Virgo G194575: EWE for NOWT follow-up of northern sky
2016-03-15T14:00:26Z (9 years ago)
Jinzhong Liu at Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory <>
Zhang, Yu (XAO); Zhang, Xuan (XAO); Niu, Hubiao (XAO); Pu, guangxin (XAO); Ma, shuguo (XAO); Yang, taozhi (XAO); Song, fangfang(XAO)

Liu Jinzhong (XAO), on behalf of the NOWT group report:
We followed up the GraceDB event (event ID: G194575) with Nanshan One-meter Wide field Telescope (NOWT) from Xinjiang Astronomical observatory (XAO). The first observation was observed at 10/29/2015, GMT 19/15/51. The first observation reached an exposure time of 120 seconds with V band and approached a limiting magnitude of 20.3 magnitude. 40 of *.fit files of this field were obtained and the time of duration was 1680 s. We only report the first observation here, more information will be reported later.

We monitored the sky region constantly since the event, and we anticipated to continue the observation. We observed the range (just about FOV of 15 sqr deg due to very small possibility-map at northern sky) and here reported a non-detection of EM-trigger with a time span of 2.48 h  with limiting magnitude of 20.3

Detailed information about the observation is listed below
   RA               DEC       EXP       UTC        number     total(s)    limit_mag   filter
  01:59:59.07    +15:31:46.6  120s  20151029191551   40        1680         20.3        V
  01:59:59.07    +14:13:46.6  12s   20151029192409   36        1500         15.3        V
  01:59:59.07    +12:55:46.6  30s   20151029193227   30        1260         16.7        V
  01:59:59.07    +11:37:46.6  30s   20151029194044   30        1260         17.1        V
  01:59:59.07    +10:19:46.6  12s   20151029194902   30        1260         15.0        V
  01:59:59.07    +09:01:46.6  12s   20151029195720   30        1260         15.0        V
  00:54:24.3     +00:39:59.0  40s,  20151217131620    6        360          17.8        V
  01:54:38.0     +00:43:00    35s   20160122125821   10        360          15.6        V

N: Jinzhong Liu, PhD
O: Main building, 213
P: 150, Science 1-Street, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
T: 86 991 3689027
D: 2012-07-14
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