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GCN Circular 19407

GRB 160509A: Preliminary XRT positon
2016-05-09T14:20:01Z (9 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <>
J. A. Kennea (PSU) reports on behalf of the Swift team:

Swift performed a target of opportunity observation of the Fermi/LAT 
detected GRB 160509A (GCN 19403). In rapid analysis of XRT downlinked data 
we find a bright uncatalogued point source at the following location: 
RA/Dec (J2000) = 311.74406, 76.10634, which is equivalent to:

RA(J2000) = 20h 46m 58.6s
Dec(J2000) = +76d 06m 22.8s

with an estimated uncertainty of 8 arcseconds (90% confidence). This 
position lies 24.6' away from the LAT onboard position, and 8 arcminutes 
from a LAT ground refined position (Racusin, private communication), so 
we suggest this is likely the afterglow of GRB 160509A. A refined position 
will be issued soon. Swift observations of this burst are on-going.
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