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GCN Circular 19414

GRB 160509A: VLA Detection
2016-05-09T22:29:25Z (9 years ago)
Kate Alexander at Harvard <>
K. D. Alexander (Harvard), T. Laskar (NRAO / UC Berkeley), and E. Berger
(Harvard) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the Fermi/LAT GRB 160509A (Longo et al. GCN 19403) at multiple
frequencies with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) beginning 2016
May 9.72 UT (8.33 hours after the burst). At a mean frequency of 6.0 GHz,
we detect a radio source with a preliminary flux density of ~80 uJy at

RA (J2000) = 20:47:00.89 +/- 0.11
Dec (J2000) = +76:06:28.92 +/- 1.2

consistent with the position of the candidate optical afterglow reported by
Levan et al. (GCN 19410) and the refined Swift/XRT position (Kennea et al.
GCN 19408). Follow-up observations are planned.

We thank the VLA staff for rapidly executing these observations.
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