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GCN Circular 1957

GRB030323: Upper limits from recent and historical observations.
2003-03-25T22:41:37Z (22 years ago)
Michael Wood-Vasey at UC Berkeley/LBNL/SNfactory <>
W. M. Wood-Vasey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, using images
obtained by R. Bambery, S. Pravdo, M. Hicks, and K. Lawrence
(Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking project, Jet Propulsion Laboratory),
reports historical upper limits for the optical transient for GRB
20030323 of Gilmore et. al (GCN #1949) from images taken with the
Palomar Oschin 1.2-m telescope during the previous year:

UT Date               Limiting Unfiltered Mag
                          ( @ S/N = 3)
2002 Jan 12.56            [ 20.19                
2002 Jan 12.57            [ 20.09                
2002 Jan 13.57            [ 20.16                
2002 Jan 13.58            [ 19.77                
2002 Feb 11.36            [ 20.16                
2002 Feb 11.38            [ 20.19                
2002 Feb 11.40            [ 20.09                
2003 Jan 12.53            [ 20.33                
2003 Jan 12.55            [ 20.31                
2003 Jan 12.56            [ 20.28                
2003 Mar 12.38            [ 20.22                
2003 Mar 20.30            [ 19.69                

A co-addition of these images shows nothing at this location to a
combined limiting magnitude of 21.87 (S/N = 3).

The co-addition is available at:

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