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GCN Circular 19651

GRB 160625B: RTT150 optical observations
2016-07-04T13:42:20Z (9 years ago)
Rodion Burenin at IKI, Moscow <>
I. Bikmaev, E. Irtuganov, N. Sakhibullin (KFU/AST),
R. Burenin, M. Pavlinsky, R. Sunyaev (IKI),
I. Khamitov, H. Kirbiyik (TUG), U. Kiziloglu (METU), E. Gogus (Sabanci Uni.)


We observed field of Fermi GRB 160625B (Dirirsa et al. GCN 19580) at
the position of optical afterglow (Troja et al. ,GCN 19588) with
Russian-Turkish 1.5-m telescope (RTT150, Bakirlitepe, TUBITAK National
Observatory, Turkey) using the TFOSC instrument.

We obtained series of Rc exposures in June 30 / July 01(6 frames x 600
sec, UT = 00:21 - 01:30 ), in July 01 / 02 (4 frames x 900 sec, UT =
00:36 - 01:42), in July 02 / 03 (6 frames x 900 sec, UT = 23:49 -
01:29), and in July 03 / 04, 2016, (14 frames x 600 sec, UT = 22:50 -
01:39). The optical transient (Troja et al. GCN 19588; Oates et
al. GCN 19589; Kuroda et al. GCN 19599; Xu et al. GCN 19600; D'Elia et
al. GCN 19601; Watson at al. GCN 19602; Karpov et al. GCN 19603;
Mazaeva et al. GCN 19605, 19620; Moskvitin et al. GCN 19611;
Gorbovskoy et al. GCN 19612; Batsch et al.  GCN 19615; Cobb et al. GCN
19616; Guidorzi et al. GCN 19640; Valeev et al. GCN 19642) is clearly
detected in each images.

Using USNO-B1 0969-0608410 star at RA,DEC = 308.580912 +06.909881
(J2000.0) with R = 16.73 mag as a reference we estimated the
Rc-magnitudes of the afterglow in stacked images:

 T-T0,  Mag., Mag.err

 5.09   20.69 +- 0.03  
 6.10   20.96 +- 0.04  
 7.08   21.04 +- 0.03  
 8.06   21.24 +- 0.04  

RTT-150 data show that OT is fading at approximately the same power
law rate as it was observed earlier.
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