GCN Circular 19691
GRB 160712A: Skynet R-COP observations
2016-07-13T02:31:08Z (9 years ago)
Adam S. Trotter at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT/Skynet <atrotter@physics.unc.edu>
A. Trotter, J. Haislip, D. Reichart, A. Verveer, T. Spuck, J. Moore, N. Frank, M. Maples, D. Dutton, R. Gao, R. Joyner, J. Martin, M. Paggen, J. A. Crain, K. Ivarsen, A. LaCluyze, M. Nysewander, B. Barlow, J. LaCluyze, L. Lanier, D. Moffett, B. Tobias, G. Bennett, J. Da Rocha, M. Dryzer, D. Dutton, J. Elliott, C. Ferguson, R. J. Hegedus, E. Lutz, B. McCormack, T. Melo, K. Otto, R. Pierce, S. Simon, E. Smith, J. Taylor, M. Tierney, D. Varvir, and A. Vasquez Soto report:
Skynet observed the Swift BAT/XRT localization of GRB 160712A (Hagen et al., GCN 19684, Swift trigger=704155) with the 14" R-COP telescope at Perth Observatory, Australia. Starting at 2016-07-12 19:58 UT and continuing until 20:30 UT (t=4.3m-31.4m post-trigger), Skynet took a total of 17 20-160s exposures in the B, V, R, and I bands. We stacked subsets of these images to maximize the S/N ratio, and detected no optical source in any band at the XRT position. Our 3-sigma limiting magnitudes are:
tmid fil limit
23m B >16.7
26m V >17.2
23m R >17.7
29m I >16.9
Limiting magnitudes are in the Vega System, calibrated to 5 APASS stars in the field. Magnitudes have not been corrected for line-of-sight Milky Way dust extinction, with expected E(B-V)=0.07 (Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011).
No further Skynet observations are scheduled.