GCN Circular 19819
GRB 160816A: confirmed fading with the LT
2016-08-18T12:23:22Z (8 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <guidorzi@fe.infn.it>
C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), S. Kobayashi, I.A. Steele (LJMU), C.G. Mundell
(U. Bath), A. Gomboc (U. Nova Gorica), N. Tanvir (U. Leicester) on
behalf of a large collaboration report:
The 2-m Liverpool Telescope observed GRB 160816A from August 17, 23:29
UT to August 18, 02:44 UT with a total net exposure of 600 s in both
SDSS-R and SDSS-I filters. The optical afterglow candidate (Guidorzi et
al. GCN 19808; Troja et al. GCN 19809; Kuin et al. GCN 19815) has faded
to r=21.8 +- 0.2 mag at 1.3 days post burst, compatibly with an average
power-law decay index alpha~1.