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GCN Circular 19821

GRB 160816A: MASTER OT early detection on coaded images
2016-08-18T16:25:19Z (8 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
N.Tyurina, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Lipunov, V.Kornilov,
P.Balanutsa, A.Kuznetsov, D.Kuvshinov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute

R. Rebolo, M. Serra, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias

K.Ivanov, O.Gres, N.M.Budnev, S.Yazev,
Irkutsk State University

D.Buckley, S. Potter, A.Kniazev, M.Kotze
South African Astronomical Observatory

A. Tlatov, V.Senik, D. Dormidontov, A.Parkhomenko
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory

V.Yurkov, Yu.Sergienko, A.Gabovich
Blagoveschensk Educational State University, Blagoveschensk

Hugo Levato, Carlos Saffe
Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio (ICATE)

R.Podesta, C.Mallamaci, C.Lopez, F. Podesta
Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar (OAFA)

MASTER II  robotic telescope (MASTER-Net: 
located in IAC was pointed to the  GRB160816.73 24 sec after notice time 
and 18726 sec after trigger time at 2016-08-16 22:43:04 UT. (We corrected 
start  exposition time which published in  previouse MASTER circular 
(Lipunov et al., GCN 19805). We reducted coadded images and found OT.

We see  OT on coadded images inside SWIFT XRT (Kennea et al., GCN19806) at 
LCOGT position (Guidorzi  et al., GCN 19808, Kuin et al., GCN 19815) on two 
tubes with unfiltered magnitude calibrated by USNO B1 stars ( m = 
0.2B+0.8R ):

m_OT=20.5  (+0.5 -0.2) at mean exposition time  2016-08-16 23:05:53, 
20095 sec (5.58 hours)  after GBM trigger time. T_start =18762sec, 
trigger. The total exposition = 1800 sec.

The images is available at

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