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GCN Circular 1984

GRB 030328: OT photometry
2003-03-29T12:34:20Z (22 years ago)
Avishay Gal-Yam at Tel Aviv U, Israel <>
A. Gal-Yam, E. O. Ofek and D. Polishook (Wise observatory, TAU) report:

We have observed the OT (Peterson & Price 2003, GCN 1974) 
of GRB 030328 (Villasenor et al. 2003, GCN 1978) using the Wise observatory 1m 
telescope + SITe CCD camera, starting March 28, 21:48 UT (10 hours after
the burst). B, V and R-band frames (300 s each) were obtained under fair 
to moderate conditions, but incoming clouds prevented further observations.

We detect the OT on the R-band image, at magnitude about 20.5, roughly
consistent with the predictions of Price (GCN 1977) and the observations
of Fugazza et al. (GCN 1982). Further analysis is underway, and B and 
V-band upper limits will be derived once the field is calibrated.
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