GCN Circular 19892
GRB 160816A: Possible radio afterglow detection at 15 GHz with AMI
2016-09-05T20:21:51Z (8 years ago)
Kunal Mooley at Oxford U <kunal.mooley@physics.ox.ac.uk>
K. P. Mooley, T. D. Staley, R. P. Fender (Oxford), G. E. Anderson
(Curtin), T. Cantwell (Manchester), C. Rumsey, D. Titterington, S. H.
Carey, J. Hickish, Y. C. Perrott, N. Razavi-Ghods, P. Scott (Cambridge),
K. Grainge, A. Scaife (Manchester)
We observed the Fermi/LAT GRB 160816A (Racusin et al., GCN 19802) with
the AMI Large Array at 15 GHz on 2016 Aug 18.02, Aug 19.06, and Sep
03.02 (UT) as part of the 4pisky program. We detect a possible radio
afterglow (consistent with the XRT location; Kennea et al., GCN 19806)
in the second epoch with a peak flux density of 129+/-32 uJy, and 3sigma
upper limits of 111 uJy and 168 uJy in the first and third epochs
We thank the AMI staff for scheduling these observations. The AMI-GRB
database is a log of all GRB follow up observations with the AMI, and is
available at http://4pisky.org/ami-grb/.