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GCN Circular 1

GRB 970925: BATSE Localization
1997-09-26T00:00:00Z (27 years ago)
Edited On
2024-07-04T20:14:32Z (8 months ago)
R Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC <>
Edited By
Vidushi Sharma at NASA GSFC/UMBC <> on behalf of Tyler Barna at University of Minnesota <>
The BATSE team report a change to the LOCBURST procedure:

The BATSE-RBR location of GRB970925 had a larger-than-average systematic
location error and was inconsistent with the IPN annulus.  The reprocessed
location, however, using the full data set, is entirely consistent with the IPN
annulus.  The RBR team has determined the cause of the error and, although they
could not have anticipated it, we now have a procedure in place to check for
similar problems in future events.  While this will add time to the location
processing, we feel it will minimize the chances that future problematic events
will be distributed via GCN/RBR.  As a result of this new filtering process, a
bright BATSE trigger might not automatically be followed by a locburst notice.
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