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GCN Circular 20057

GRB 161015A: Swift-XRT observations
2016-10-16T15:11:23Z (8 years ago)
Paolo D'Avanzo at INAF-OAB <>
P. D'Avanzo, A. Melandri (INAF-OAB), P. A. Evans (U. Leicester), 
report on behalf of the Swift-XRT team: 

Swift-XRT has performed follow-up observations of the Fermi/LAT-detected 
burst GRB 161015A (Masanori Ohno et al., GCN 20054; Stanbro & Meegan, 
GCN Circ. 20056) in a series of observations tiled on the sky. The total 
exposure time is 5 ks, distributed over 4 tiles. The data were collected 
between T0+38.2 ks and T0+45.8 ks, and are entirely in Photon Counting 
(PC) mode. 

An uncatalogued X-ray source is detected within the Fermi/LAT error circle. 
The position of this source is RA, Dec=269.2518, +30.37356 which is 
equivalent to:

RA (J2000): 17:57:00.43
Dec(J2000): +30:22:24.8

with an uncertainty of 2.7 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence). This
position is 12.2 arcmin from the Fermi/LAT position. The source has a 
0.3-10 keV count rate of about 0.03 ct/sec. We cannot determine fading 
at this time.

[GCN OPS NOTE(17oct16): Per author's request, the GRB name in the first sentence
was corrected from 16A to 15A.]
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