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GCN Circular 20223

GRB 161129A: MITSuME Okayama Ks-band Observation
2016-12-01T05:38:35Z (8 years ago)
Kenshi Yanagisawa at OAO/NAOJ <>
K. Yanagisawa, D. Kuroda, Y. Shimizu, H. Izumiura (OAO/NAOJ),
M. Yoshida (Hiroshima), K. Ohta(Kyoto), and N. Kawai(Tokyo Tech.)
report on behalf of the MITSuME collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 161129A (Kocevski et al., GCNC 20210)
in Ks-band with a wide-field NIR camera at Okayama Astrophysical
Observatory (Japan). The camera has an effective aperture of 0.91m.

Observations started from 08:44 UT on 29th November, 93 min after
the BAT trigger, to 09:29 UT. The total exposure of 17.3 min was
successfully obtained.

In our co-add image, we found a faint source at coordinates
   R.A.(J2000) = 21:04:54.59
   DEC (J2000) = +32:08:05.2,
close to the position reported by Beardmore et al.(GCNC 20211),
and Klose & Stecklum (GCNC 20216).

We measured the source magnitude of Ks = 15.95 +/- 0.14 (Vega).
The calibration was made against 2MASS field stars.

T0+[min]    MID-UT     T-EXP[min]    Ks
  +115       09:06       17.3         15.95 +/- 0.14 (Vega)
T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst [min]
T-EXP: Total Exposure time [min]
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