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GCN Circular 20396

LIGO/Virgo G268556: VLA follow-up of ATLAS17aeu
2017-01-08T02:20:50Z (8 years ago)
Alessandra Corsi at Texas Tech U. <>
A. Corsi (TTU), M.M. Kasliwal (CalTech), D.A. Frail (NRAO), and N.T. Palliyaguru (TTU) 

We observed the position of the fast-fading ATLAS17aeu (Tonry et al. LVC GCN#20382) 
located in the error region of LIGO/Virgo G268556 (LVC GCN#20364) with the Karl G. 
Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in its A configuration. The observations started on 
2017-Jan-07 14:06:40 UT, ended on 2017-Jan-07 15:06:29 UT, and were carried out in 
C-band (central frequency of about 6 GHz).

A provisional reduction of our data shows a radio source located at the position of 
ATLAS17aeu. For this source, we measure a radio flux of (159.0+/-9.8) uJy at 6.2 GHz. 
We note that the broad-band detection (radio, optical, and X-rays) of ATLAS17aeu is 
consistent with a GRB afterglow hypothesis (see Evans et al. LVC GCN#20390 and 
Kasliwal et al. LVC GCN#20393). 

Further observations are planned.

We thank the VLA staff for rapidly executing these observations.
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