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GCN Circular 20411

LIGO/Virgo G268556: Liverpool Telescope Spectroscopy of iPTF candidates
2017-01-09T21:50:14Z (8 years ago)
Iain Steele at Liverpool/JMU <>
Liverpool Telescope Spectroscopy of iPTF-17bq and iPTF-17ee

I.A. Steele, A.S. Piascik, M.J.Darnley, C.M. Copperwheat (LJMU), M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech) and D. Perley (Dark Cosmology Centre, Copenhagen) report on behalf of a lager collaboration.

We report spectroscopy of the iPTF counterparts iPTF-17bq and iPTF-17ee.  The data were obtained with the SPRAT spectrograph of the Liverpool Telescope, La Palma, on the night of 2017 January 08 with a resolution R=350 and a wavelength range of 400-800nm.

In both cases the transient could not be clearly distinguished from the host galaxy in our spectra, which were obtained in poor (~2 arcsec) seeing.

iPTF17-bq shows a galaxy spectrum with redshift (SNID) z=0.059 and AGN-like emission lines.
iPTF17-ee shows a galaxy spectrum with redshift (SNID) z=0.085.

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