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GCN Circular 2074

GRB030329: Optical observations at Teramo
2003-04-02T16:58:34Z (21 years ago)
Elisabetta Maiorano at U.of Bologna,Italy <>
M. Cantiello, M. Dolci (INAF - Obs. of Teramo), E. Maiorano (Univ. Bologna
& IASF/CNR, Bologna), N. Masetti, E. Palazzi (IASF/CNR, Bologna), E.
Brocato (INAF - Obs. of Teramo) report:
"We have obtained BVRI images of the OT (Peterson & Price, GCN 1985) of
GRB030329 (Vanderspek et al., GCN 1997) with the 0.72-m TNT telescope of
the Astronomical Observatory of Teramo (Italy).
The average seeing was 4 arcsec.
The OT was well detected in all bands; we measure for it the following 
BVRI magnitudes using field stars calibrated by Henden (GCN 2023):

mid-exposure      exptime    filter     mag     err
 time (UT)           (s)
 Apr. 1.824         1200        R       17.02    0.02
 Apr. 1.911         1800        V       17.53    0.03
 Apr. 1.966         2400        B       18.01    0.04
 Apr. 1.989         1200        I       16.70    0.03
 Apr. 2.055         1200        R       17.16    0.03
The comparison between the two R-band magnitude measurements shows that 
the OT has possibly faded across our observing run.
This message is citeable."
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