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GCN Circular 20882

LIGO/Virgo G277583: Discovery Channel Telescope Follow-Up of ATLAS17cck
2017-03-17T02:54:01Z (8 years ago)
Brad Cenko at NASA/GSFC <>
S. B. Cenko (NASA GSFC), P. Gatkine (UMCP), and E. Troja (GSFC/UMCP) report on behalf of the GROWTH collaboration:

We imaged the reported location of ATLAS17cck (Tonry et al., LVC GCN 20877) with the Large Monolithic Imager on the 4.3m Discovery Channel Telescope in Happy Jack, AZ.  Observations were obtained in the r��� filter for a total of 900 s, beginning at 2:48 UT on 16 March. We do not detect any emission at this location, to a limiting magnitude of r��� > 25.2 (calculated with respect to nearby SDSS point sources in the image).  As reported by Chen et al. (LVC GCN 20878) and Littlefield et al. (LVC GCN 20879), we do detect nearby the minor planet (1056) Azalea approximately 45��� east of this location at this time.
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