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GCN at AAS 245, Legacy Circulars Address Retirement. See news and announcements

GCN Circular 21192

GRB 170604A: optical observations
2017-06-04T20:17:53Z (8 years ago)
Luca Izzo at IAA-CSIC <>
L. Izzo, A. de Ugarte Postigo, Z. Cano, D.A. Kann (IAA-CSIC) report on behalf of a larger collaboration,

We observed the field of GRB 170604A (Page et al., GCN 21191) with the T27 (Plane Wave CDK 0.70m) of the iTelescope.Net ( located at Siding Spring, AU.  
A single image of 300 s each was taken in the R and in the V filters, starting at 19:32:07 UT, ~ 1400s after the GRB trigger. We detect a source not visible in PanSTARRS images at RA = 22:50:37.54 DEC = -15:24:44.4 (+- 0.5���) with a preliminary magnitude of R ~ 17.5 (as compared to USNO-B 1.0 field stars), which we consider to be the afterglow. 

An image of the field can be seen at
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