GCN Circular 21194
Swift Trigger 755873: D50 optical limits
2017-06-04T22:54:26Z (7 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Astro.Inst-AVCR,Ondrejov <martin.jelinek@asu.cas.cz>
Martin Jelinek, Jan Strobl and Rene Hudec (ASU CAS, Ondrejov, CZ) report:
We observed the location of the possible GRB (Swift tigger 755873, Page et
al., GCNC 21193) with the 0.5m robotic telescope D50 located in Ondrejov,
Czech Republic. The unfiltered CCD observations started 61s after the
trigger. No new or variable object is detected within and in the close
proximity of the BAT errorbox. The limiting magnitude of our unfiltered
24x10s combined image, which has the mean exposure time 21:40:09UT, i.e.
8.5min post GRB, is R>19.6.