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GCN Circular 21396

GRB 170714A: Chandra observations
2017-07-31T12:35:17Z (8 years ago)
Eleonora Troja at GSFC <>
E. Troja (NASA/UMCP), L. Piro (INAF/IASF), B. Gendre (UVI)
report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the field of the ultralong GRB 170714A (D'Ai et al.,
GCN 21340) with the Chandra X-ray Observatory beginning on 2017
Jul 28.67 UT (14 days post-burst) for a total exposure of 14.9 ks.
We clearly detect the GRB counterpart with coordinates:

RA(J2000) = 02:17:23.97
Dec(J2000) = +01:59:29.72

with a 68% uncertainty of 0.5 arcsec. This position is consistent with
the XRT position (, and
the optical source reported by de Ugarte Postigo et al. (GCN 21346).
By adopting the spectral parameters of the Swift/XRT analysis (D'Avanzo
et al., GCN 21343), we estimate an average X-ray flux of
~1.1E-14 erg/cm2/s during our observation. This is consistent with a
late-time power-law decay of slope ~-1.

We thank Andrea Prestwich, Belinda Wilkes and the CXC staff for
rapidly scheduling this observation.
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