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GCN Circular 21489

LIGO/Virgo G297595: Correction to luminosity distance stated in GCN 21474
2017-08-15T17:00:33Z (8 years ago)
Leo Singer at NASA/GSFC <>
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report:

In GCN 21474, we reported the identification of the GW binary merger
candidate G297595. The originally stated luminosity distance estimate of
550 +/- 130 Mpc (a posteriori mean +/- standard deviation) was incorrect
due to copying the value from a different GraceDB entry.

The correct luminosity distance estimate is 488 +/- 111 Mpc. The original
sky map that we sent in GCN 21474, bayestar.fits.gz, contains the correct
value in the DISTMEAN and DISTSTD entries of its FITS header. Only the
circular was in error.

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