GCN Circular 21509
LIGO/Virgo G298048: Identification of a binary neutron star candidate coincident with Fermi GBM trigger 524666471/170817529
2017-08-17T14:09:25Z (8 years ago)
Reed Clasey Essick at MIT <ressick@mit.edu>
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report:
A binary neutron star candidate was identified in data from the LIGO Hanford detector at gps time 1187008882.4457 (Thu Aug 17 12:41:04 GMT 2017). The signal is clearly visible in time-frequency representations of the gravitational-wave strain in data from H1. The current significance estimate of ~1/10,000 years is based on data from H1 alone. Information about this candidate is available in GraceDb here
The effective distance to this candidate is approximately 58 Mpc and the current localization estimate using gravitational-wave data alone is quite broad because it only makes use of data from H1. We note that this is only an estimate of the effective distance, and the actual luminosity distance to the source is likely larger.
The neutron star coalescence candidate is also clearly visible in data from the LIGO Livingston detector, although there is a coincident noise artifact in the L1 data. To be clear, the binary neutron star candidate is clearly visible in the L1 data on top of the noise artifact. There is no evidence for any noise artifact at H1. Virgo was online at the time, although its data was not used to estimate the candidate�s significance. It is expected to be visible in all detectors once the data has been analyzed.
The gravitational-wave candidate was found in coincidence with Fermi GBM trigger 524666471/170817529, which occurred at gps time 1187008884.47 (Thu Aug 17 12:41:06 GMT 2017). This is approximately 2 seconds after the gravitational-wave candidate�s coalescence time. The Fermi trigger�s localization estimate from Fermi data alone can be found here
Analyses including data from H1, L1, and V1 are ongoing and a sky-map using gravitational-wave data will be made available as quickly as possible.
[GCN OPS NOTE(17aug17): Per author's request, the LIGO/VIRGO ID
was added to the beginning of the Subject-line.]