GCN Circular 21531
LIGO/Virgo G298048: DLT40 optical candidate
2017-08-18T01:41:13Z (8 years ago)
Stefano Valenti at UC Davis <stfn.valenti@gmail.com>
Sheng Yang (INAF-OAPd, UC Davis), Stefano Valenti(UC Davis), David Sand
(UA), Leonardo Tartaglia (UA, UC Davis), Enrico Cappellaro(INAF-OAPd),
Dan Reichart, Josh Haislip Vladimir Kouprianov (UNC)
We report the discovery of DLT17ck. The object was discovered on
2017-08-17.99 UT at R~17.3 mag, during the ongoing D<40 Mpc (DLT40) one
day cadence supernova search, using data from the PROMPT 5 0.41m
telescope located at CTIO. A confirmation image was obtained on
2017-08-18.02 UT with the PROMPT telescope. DLT17ck is located at RA:
13:09:48.09 Dec: -23:22:53.4.6, 5.37 W, 8.60 S arcsec offset from the
center of the host galaxy, NGC 4993,
consistent with the source found by Coulter et al. (LVC GCN 21529).