GCN Circular 21545
LIGO/Virgo G298048: VLA Detection
2017-08-18T05:07:58Z (8 years ago)
Kate Alexander at Harvard U <kalexander@cfa.harvard.edu>
K.D. Alexander, W. Fong, and E. Berger report on behalf of a larger
We observed the position of the optical candidate reported by Coulter et
al. (LVC GCN 21529) and others (Allam et al. LVC GCN 21530, Valenti et al.
LVC GCN 21531, Melandri et al. LVC GCN 21532, and Arcavi et al. GCN 21538)
with the Very Large Array beginning at 2017 August 18 02:09:00 UT (13.5 h
after the Fermi trigger time). At a mean frequency of 9.77 GHz, we detect a
source with a preliminary flux density of ~0.3 mJy at the position:
RA (J2000) =13:09:47.850
dec (J2000) =-23:23:01.29
with an error of 1.3" in each coordinate. This is consistent with the
optical position reported by Coulter et al. Further observations are
We thank the VLA staff for rapidly executing these observations.