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GCN Circular 21562

LIGO/Virgo G298048: ASKAP search for fast radio bursts
2017-08-18T14:36:00Z (8 years ago)
Keith Bannister at ATNF <>
K. Bannister (CSIRO), R. Shannon (CSIRO/Curtin/ICRAR), A. Hotan
(CSIRO), C. James (Curtin), J-P Macquart(Curtin/ICRAR), S. Oslowski
(Swinburne), W. Farah (Swinburne) on behalf of the ASKAP

We observed the 90% containment region of the Bayestar map (Singer et
al. LVC GCN 21513) with 7 antennas of the The Australian Square
Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). We recorded fast autocorrelation
data with 336 x 1 MHz channels and a time sampling of 1.26 ms centered
at 1320 MHz (see [1] for observing details). We used flys-eye
observing mode, with some parts of the field covered by 2 antennas and
some by 1 antenna.

We had 2 observing runs starting roughly 16h after the gravitational
wave trigger:

Run 1: 2017-08-18 04:05:35 to 2017-08-18 07:44:56 UT

Run 2: 2017-08-18 08:57:33 to 2017-08-18 13:02:20 UT

We are searching the data for fast radio bursts.

[1] Bannister et al. 2017, ApJL, 841, 12

Keith Bannister
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