GCN Circular 21563
LIGO/Virgo G298048: Observation of the potential optical counterpart in NGC 4993
2017-08-18T14:45:33Z (8 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul National U <myungshin.im@gmail.com>
M. Im, C. Choi, J. Kim, H. M. Lee (SNU), S.-L. Kim (KASI) on behalf of the
KU collaboration
We imaged SSS17a in NGC 4993 (Coutler et al. LVC GCNs 21529), the potential
optical counterpart of LIGO/Virgo G298048 (LVC GCNs 210505, 21509, 21513)
with the g, r, i, z and an array of medium-band filters. The observation
was carried out using two 0.43m telescopes, LSGT and T17 of iTelescope.Net
at the Siding Spring Observatory (Im et al. 2015, JKAS, 48, 207). The
observation started at 2017-08-18 09:47 (UT), and continued for about 30
min until the weather stopped the osbservation. SSS17a is clearly visible
in the images taken. Further analysis of the data is ongoing. Additional
observations are ongoing/planned using these telescopes and the KMTNet 1.5m
telescopes in the coming nights.