GCN Circular 21568
LIGO/Virgo G298048: UPDATE on IceCube neutrino candidates --- no coincidence with newest GW skymap
2017-08-18T17:27:25Z (7 years ago)
Stefan Countryman at LIGO Scientific Collaboration <stefan.countryman@ligo.org>
I. Bartos, S. Countryman (Columbia), C. Finley (U Stockholm), E. Blaufuss (U Maryland), R. Corley, Z. Marka, S. Marka (Columbia) on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration
In GCN 21511 (an update to GCN 21508) we reported the identification of a neutrino candidate coincident with preliminary LIGO GW skymaps using only LHO data (GCN 21509), and Fermi GBM's preliminary skymaps (GCN 21506). This neutrino candidate is *not in the 90% credible region of the latest GW skymap* incorporating LHO, LLO, and Virgo data (GCN 21513).
The updated joint GW/High Energy Neutrino skymap is available on GraceDB at <https://gracedb.ligo.org/apiweb/events/G298048/files/coinc_skymap_initial_icecube.png,2>. A JSON-formatted list of the temporally coincident neutrinos included in the joint plot is available at <https://gracedb.ligo.org/apiweb/events/G298048/files/IceCubeNeutrinoList.json,0>.