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GCN Circular 21599

LIGO/Virgo G298048: La Silla - QUEST archival non-detections of of LIGO EM counterpart SSS17a
2017-08-19T18:04:05Z (8 years ago)
David Rabinowitz at Yale <>
D. Rabinowitz and C. Baltay (Yale) report:

The La Silla - QUEST supernova survey (conducted with the 160-Megapixel
QUEST camera on the ESO 1.0m Schmidt at La Silla, Chile from 2010 to 2016)
covered the location of SSS17a (Coulter et al. LVC GCN 21529) with 345
exposures to depth ~R=19 in the years 2013 to 2016 (~100 exposures per
year). Visual inspection of these images at the location of SSS17a shows
no point source to limit ~R=18.

[GCN OPS NOTE(18aug17):  Per submitter's and author's request, the submitter
was changed from Singer to Rabinowitz to work around a momentary problem.]
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