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GCN Circular 21620

LIGO/Virgo G298048: TOROS optical counterpart search (continuation)
2017-08-20T15:03:42Z (7 years ago)
Martin Bernoiz at TOROS <>
Mario Diaz(UTRGV/CGWA), Diego Garcia Lambas(IATE), Lucas Macri(TAMU), Jose Luis Nilo Castellon.

The following tables summarize the observations done to scan the probability region skymap for G298048.
The observations we carried over 3 nights, in Tolar Grande, Argentina with a Meade LX 200 GPS 16��� telescope.
Focal length: 4043mm; FOV : 15,3���x11,5��� and a SBIG STF 8300 camera.

Exposure time: 30s; Number of images: 123
NGC6397;  J2000   : 17h40m41.36s -53d40m25.26s
NGC6544;  J2000   : 18h07m20.001s -24d59m54.0798s

Exposure time: 30s
NGC6397               : 17h40m41.36s -53d40m25.26s          Number of images: 80
NGC6544               : 18h07m20.001s -24d59m54.0798s    Number of images: 80
ESO320-007           : 11h35m45.276s -38d21m53.136s      Number of images: 15
ESO320-013           ; 11h37m19.884s -38d05m50.748s      Number of images: 15
ESO320-019           ; 11h44m45.924s -39d36m55.296s      Number of images: 10
ESO320-020           ; 11h46m00.048s -39d20m03.948s      Number of images: 10
ESO320-024           ; 11h49m26.004s -38d49m32.988s      Number of images: 10
ESO320-027           ; 11h50m24.756s -38d38m56.58s        Number of images: 10
ESO320-029           ; 11h52m42.132s -39d27m44.028s      Number of images: 12
ESO320-030           ; 11h53m11.76s -39d07m48.648s        Number of images: 12
ESO320-031           ; 11h54m06.84s -39d52m03.324s        Number of images: 10
ESO320-032           ; 11h54m39.024s -40d55m56.28s        Number of images: 10
PGC580951            ; 11h54m59.256s -40d55m26.976s      Number of images: 10
ESO320-035           ; 11h56m46.464s -38d11m32.928s      Number of images: 12
ESO175-002           :14h08m35.99s  -53d21m10.296s        Number of images: 20
ESO221-028           :14h09m02.20s -51d10m07.428s         Number of images: 22

Exposure time: 30s
NGC6397       	        : 17h40m41.36s -53d40m25.26s         Number of images: 82
NGC6544       	        : 18h07m20.001s -24d59m54.0798s   Number of images: 123
ESO175-002  	        :14h08m35.99s  -53d21m10.296s      Number of images: 40
ESO221-028           :14h09m02.20s -51d10m07.428s       Number of images: 40
PGC141857            :14h10m33.49s -52d19m01.416s       Number of images: 40
PGC448694            :14h10m37.02s -52d06m05.904s       Number of images: 40
ESO221-030           :14h10m41.12s -52d11m02.904s       Number of images: 33
PGC166335            :14h16m01.99s -53d42m59.4s           Number of images: 40
NGC4993	        :13h09m48,1s -23d23m53,4s             Number of images: 47 	

Martin Beroiz(UTRGV) on behalf of the TOROS Collaboration.
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