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GCN Circular 21627

LIGO/Virgo G298048: Zadko observations of the OT candidate SSS17a/DLT17ck
2017-08-21T05:57:23Z (7 years ago)
Eric Howell at U of Western Australia <>
D. Coward (UWA), E. Howell (UWA), R. Laugier (OCA), A. Klotz (UNS-CNRS-OCA), M. Boer  (UNS-CNRS-OCA),  I. Andreoni (Swinburne), J. Cooke (Swinburne), D. Macpherson (UWA), J. Moore (UWA) and A. Burrell (UWA) report on behalf of OzGrav and TZAC  (see acknowledgements below):

We report Zadko Telescope imaging of the transient SSS17a/DLT17ck in NGC4339 started at 2017-08-20 10:59 UT. In a preliminary analysis using background subtraction of the host galaxy NGC4339 through rotational masking, a photometric calibration using the star NOMAD-10666-0296310 (R=17.35) yields a magnitude of the optical transient R=20.05 +/- 0.15.

The Zadko Telescope is operated by the University of Western Australia (UWA), and was made possible by a philanthropic donation by James Zadko to UWA. The facility receives support from the ARC Centre of Excellence "OzGrav" for gravitational wave follow-up and discovery. Key personnel include D.Coward (Director-UWA), E. Howell (UWA), J. Moore (UWA), A. Burrel (UWA), A. Greensky, J. Kennewell with collaborators I. Andreoni and J. Cooke (Swinburne).

This observation report was done in partnership with the LIGO follow-up collaboration TZAC, which is supported by M. Boer, A. Klotz, R. Laugier, K. Noysena
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