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GCN Circular 21636

LIGO/Virgo G298048: VLA observation at 15 GHz
2017-08-21T18:40:08Z (8 years ago)
Alessandra Corsi at Texas Tech U. <>
A. Corsi (TTU) and M.M. Kasliwal (Caltech) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We analyzed the Karl G. Jansky VLA observation of the field of the possible optical counterpart SSS17a (Coulter et al. LVC GCN 21529) that started on 2017-Aug-19 22:01:48 UT (Corsi et al. LVC GCN 21613). At a central frequency of ~15 GHz, our preliminary analysis does not show evidence for significant emission at the location of the optical candidate (RA= 13:09:48.089, Dec= -23:22:53.35, Coulter et al. LVC GCN 21529) down to a 3-sigma limit of ~16 uJy. The host galaxy (RA = 13:09:47.704, Dec =-23:23:02.45; Alexander et al. LVC GCN 21589) is clearly detected (flux level of ~0.25 mJy at 15 GHz).
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