GCN Circular 21638
LIGO/Virgo G298048: Gemini-South Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
2017-08-22T05:20:11Z (8 years ago)
Ryan Chornock at Ohio U <chornock@ohio.edu>
R. Chornock (Ohio University) and E. Berger (Harvard) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
We have been obtaining a sequence of near-infrared spectroscopy (range 1-1.8
microns) of the optical counterpart (SSS17a: Coulter et al., GCN 21529; Allam et
al., GCN 21530) of LIGO/Virgo G298048 (GCNs 21509, 21513) using FLAMINGOS2 on
Gemini-South (PI: Chornock).
Our initial spectra, taken on 20170819 at 00:45 UT (~1.5 days after the
LIGO/Virgo event) have a smooth blue continuum. Data taken the following night
show a few broad, low-amplitude features starting to develop. An initial
reduction of data taken on 20170821 at 23:40 UT (~4.5 days after the LIGO/Virgo
event) shows that these features (including a possible spectral peak near 1.05
microns) have strengthened. Analysis is ongoing and further observations are
planned to constrain the potential presence of lanthanide opacities in the
We thank the Gemini staff, particularly Hwihyun Kim, Gonzalo Diaz, Pablo Candia,
and Laura Ferrarese for their support of these operations.