GCN Circular 21664
LIGO/Virgo G298048: Continued VLA monitoring at 6 GHz
2017-08-23T18:25:07Z (8 years ago)
Alessandra Corsi at Texas Tech U. <alessandra.corsi@ttu.edu>
A. Corsi (TTU), M.M. Kasliwal (Caltech), D. Frail (NRAO), and N.T. Palliyaguru (TTU) report
on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the field of SSS17a/DLT17ck (e.g., Coulter et al. LVC GCN 21529; Allam et al. LVC GCN 21530;
Yang et al. LVC GCN 21531), the possible counterpart of G298048 (LVC, LVC GCN 21505) in NGC 4993, with the
Karl G. Jansky VLA. The observation lasted 1 hr, centered on 2017-Aug-22.88 UT, and was conducted in C-band
(approximate central frequency of 6 GHz). Our preliminary analysis does not show evidence for significant
emission at the location of the optical candidate SSS17a/DLT17ck, down to a 3-sigma limit of about 20 uJy.
Further observations are planned.