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GCN Circular 21726

LIGO/Virgo G299232: OVRO-LWA simultaneous low frequency radio observations of localization region
2017-08-27T19:44:56Z (7 years ago)
Marin M Anderson at Caltech <>
M. M. Anderson (Caltech) and G. Hallinan (Caltech) on behalf of the OVRO-LWA collaboration.

The OVRO-LWA was observing prior, during and after the detection of LIGO/Virgo G299232, with continuous frequency coverage from 30 MHz to 85 MHz and a field-of-view covering the entire northern hemisphere arc of the 90% localization region (bayestar-HLV.fits.gz, LVC GCN #21693).  Data reduction and analysis have commenced investigating the possible presence of a low frequency prompt counterpart to the event, focusing on observations spanning 1 hour prior to and 3 hours following the detection of LIGO/Virgo G299232, from 2017-08-25 12:13 UTC to 16:13 UTC.
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