GCN Circular 21745
LIGO/Virgo G299232: GRAWITA Asiago/Copernico Telescope observations
2017-08-29T10:29:47Z (8 years ago)
Stefano Benetti at INAF-OAPd <stefano.benetti@oapd.inaf.it>
L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro (INAF-OAPD), L. Amati (INAF-IASF Bo), L. A. Antonelli, S. Ascenzi (INAF-OAR), M.T. Botticella (INAF-OAC), M. Branchesi (GSSI), S. Campana, S. Covino, P. D'Avanzo (INAF-OAB), V. D'Elia (INAF-ASDC), D. Fugazza, F. Getman, A. Grado (INAF-OAC), G. Greco (Urbino University/INFN Firenze), L. Limatola (INAF-OAC), M. Lisi (INAF-OAR), A. Melandri (INAF-OAB), L. Nicastro, E. Palazzi, E. Pian (INAF-IASF Bo), S. Piranomonte, L. Pulone (INAF-OAR), A. Rossi (INAF-IASF Bo), P. Schipani (INAF-OAC), G. Stratta (Urbino University/INFN Firenze), G. Tagliaferri (INAF-OAB), V. Testa (INAF-OAR), S. Yang (INAF-OAPD), E. Brocato (INAF-OAR) on behalf of GRavitational Wave Inaf TeAm report:
We observed the field of the Optical Transient Discovery by Swift/UVOT (LVG GCN 21733) with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope equipped with AFOSC under poor sky conditions. We do not detected the Swift OT down to the following limits:
Filter (SDSS) average UT total Exp (s) limit (ABmag)
u 20170828.90 1800 22.5
g 20170828.89 270 21.6
r 20170828.88 270 20.8
i 20170828.93 270 21.9
z 20170828.92 900 21.4
We note the presence of the galaxy UGC 1178 at about 5 arcmin from the position of the OT. This galaxy has a redshift z=0.018399, and the projected distance of the OT seen by UVOT would then correspond to about 120 Kpc from the galaxy center.
[GCN OPS NOTE(29aug17): Per author's request, The Subject-line was changed from "...INAF Asiago/Copernico..."
to "...GRAWITA Asiago/Copernico...". And the the last paragraph "UGC 1178a" was changed to "UGC 1178".