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GCN Circular 21770

LIGO/Virgo G298936: PIRATE observations
2017-08-30T16:26:42Z (7 years ago)
Dean Roberts at PIRATE <>
D. Roberts, U. Kolb & M.Morrell (The Open University) reporting on behalf of the PIRATE group:

We observed 5 separate fields containing the top 6.66% probability area of the bayestar-HLV skymap of the LIGO/Virgo candidate G298936 using our 0.43m robotic telescope at Teide Observatory, Tenerife, Spain. We only acquired 38 images due to a subsequent alert 2 days later that contained a much higher EM counterpart probability, all images were obtained using the R filter and 100s exposure length. Initial observations began at 2017-08-23T02:09:23, approximately 9 hours after the updated GCN alert was received and 13hrs after the initial trigger. A detailed list of all the fields observed can be found on GraceDB under the EMObservations tab. Further observations are planned.

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