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GCN Circular 21886

LIGO/Virgo G298048: ATLAS pre-discovery limits 601 to 16 days before first detection of SSS17a/DLT17ck
2017-09-15T11:24:15Z (7 years ago)
S. J. Smartt at Queens U Belfast <>
J. Tonry (IfA), K. W. Smith (QUB), L. Denneau, A. Heinze, B. Stalder,
H. Weiland (IfA), C. W. Stubbs (Harvard), S. J. Smartt (QUB), A. Rest
(STScI), K. C. Chambers (IfA), T.-W. Chen (MPE), M. Coughlin
(Harvard), D. R. Young, (QUB), M. E. Huber (IfA), D. E. Wright (QUB),
H. Flewelling, T. Lowe, E. A. Magnier, A. S. B. Schultz, C. Waters, R.
J. Wainscoat, M. Willman (IfA)

During its normal survey mode, the ATLAS survey project (Tonry et al.
2011, Stalder et al. 2017) frequently observed the field containing
galaxy NGC4993 during the period between 57380.64463 and 57966.26370
(602 to 16 days before G298048; the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and
the Virgo Collaboration GCN 21509) and the first discoveries and
detections of the optical/NIR transient SSSa17a/DLT17ck (Coulter et
al. GCN 21529, Allam et al. GCN 21530,Valenti et al. GCN21531,
Melandri et al. 21532).

We have completed a search for variability or eruptions at the
position of the optical transient in the 414 images over this period.
These images were taken typically with 4-5 images per night (30 second

ATLAS observes in two wide-band filters, called "cyan" or "c:, which
roughly covers the SDSS/Pan-STARRS g and r filters, and ���orange��� or
"o", which roughly covers the SDSS/Pan-STARRS r and i. The position
was observed 414 times in one or other filter and on each of these we
forced flux measurements at the astrometric position of the transient
on the difference image. We used the Pan-STARRS images for the
astrometric postion of SSS17a/DLT17ck (Chambers et al. GCN 21553)

We measured 5-sigma flux limits and any epochs with greater than
5-sigma detections. The 5-sigma flux limits were in the range 18.5 +/-
0.4 (AB mag, median and standard deviation) and (19.4 +/- 0.4). We
found 44 images which formally had flux detections greater than
5-sigma, but on visual inspection we rule out these being real flux
variability at the transient position. They all appear to be residuals
from the host galaxy subtraction. With ATLAS, we rule out any
variability down to 18.5 to 19.4 (filter dependent) during a period
601 to 16 days before discovery of the optical transient. The last
image was on 57966.26370 (2017-08-01 06:19) with a 5-sigma limit of 
o < 18.2.
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