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GCN Circular 21891

LIGO/VIRGO G298048: MeerKAT observations of SSS17a
2017-09-15T20:16:29Z (7 years ago)
Kunal Mooley at U of Oxford <>
S. Goedhart (SKA South Africa) reports on behalf of a larger team:

MeerKAT, currently being commissioned, observed the location of SSS17a 
(Coulter et al. 2017, LVC GCN 21529) in L band between 2017-08-25 and 
2017-09-06. Preliminary analysis of the observation from 2017-09-06 does 
not reveal a radio afterglow, with a 3-sigma upper limit of 75 uJy at 
1.5 GHz. Further observations and analysis are planned.

We thank the SKA South Africa team for enabling these observations.
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