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GCN Circular 21933

LIGO/VIRGO G298048: Further MeerKAT observations of SSS17a
2017-09-27T13:19:14Z (7 years ago)
Kunal Mooley at U of Oxford <>
S. Goedhart (SKA South Africa) reports on behalf of a larger team:

MeerKAT, currently being commissioned, observed the location of SSS17a 
(Coulter et al. 2017, LVC GCN 21529) in L band between 25-Aug-2017 and 
17-Sep-2017. No radio afterglow is detected, with upper limits provided 
below. We also provide the flux density of the host galaxy NGC4993 for 
each of three epochs. The observations have an effective (unflagged) 
bandwidth of 0.22 GHz spanning 1.30-1.66 GHz, with a center frequency of 
1.48 GHz. Observations done on 25-27 August were reduced together as one 
epoch (E1; mid-point 26 Aug/08:43 UT). The second epoch consists of 
jointly analyzed data collected on 5-6 September (E2; mid-point 6 
Sep/03:22 UT). The third epoch refers to observations done on 17 
September (E3; start time 07:16 UT).

NGC4993 flux densities (1 sigma uncertainties):

E1: 0.56+/-0.04 mJy (synthesized beam 14.5"x7.8")
E2: 0.58+/-0.05 mJy (synthesized beam 11.8"x6.3")
E3: 0.61+/-0.03 mJy (synthesized beam 10.4"x4.8")

SSS17a flux density limits (3 sigma):

E1: <70 uJy
E2: <75 uJy
E3: <60 uJy

We thank the SKA South Africa team for enabling these observations.
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