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GCN Circular 21940

LIGO/Virgo G298048: Record of all e-MERLIN results to date on SSS17a
2017-09-28T11:12:37Z (7 years ago)
Zsolt Paragi at Euro VLBI <>
Javier Moldon, Rob Beswick (JBCA, The University of Manchester) et al.
for the EuroVLBI team

We conducted a total of 22 e-MERLIN observations of SSS17a (Coulter et
al. LVC GCN  21529) from Aug 23 to Sep 22, 2017 for about 5 hours per
run. The observing frequency was centred at 5 GHz with a bandwidth of
512 MHz. The average synthesized beam size was about 200 mas x 30 mas
at a position angle of about 0 deg. There are no significant
detections in individual runs or in different combinations of adjacent
runs coincident with the position of the transient.

The 3-sigma upper limits in microJy/beam are listed below (first six
runs were already reported in LVC GCN 21804). UTC date and times refer
to the middle of the experiments:

run00  2017-08-23 15:36:28  110
run01  2017-08-24 15:33:42   90
run02  2017-08-25 15:30:26   97
run03  2017-08-26 15:30:26  112
run04  2017-08-27 15:30:22   87
run05  2017-08-28 15:30:26   82
run06  2017-08-31 15:01:26  109
run07  2017-09-01 15:01:26  114
run08  2017-09-02 15:04:42  144
run09  2017-09-03 15:01:26  166
run10  2017-09-04 15:01:26  147
run11  2017-09-05 15:31:29  162
run12  2017-09-10 14:54:42  126
run13  2017-09-11 14:44:42  151
run14  2017-09-12 14:03:28  113
run15  2017-09-14 13:26:42  147
run16  2017-09-15 14:03:28  106
run17  2017-09-16 14:03:28  118
run18  2017-09-17 14:03:28  111
run19  2017-09-18 14:03:28  111
run20  2017-09-21 14:18:28  132
run21  2017-09-22 13:34:42  121

Additional observations are planned with e-MERLIN to continue the
monitoring of the transient source.

Euro VLBI team members:

Ivan Agudo (IAA Granada)
Tao An (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
Philippe Bacon (APC Universite�� Paris Diderot)
Rob Beswick (JBO-Manchester University)
Carolina Casadio (MPIfR-Bonn)
Eric Chassande-Mottin (APC Universite�� Paris Diderot)
Sa��ndor Frey (Konkoly Observatory)
Marcello Giroletti (IRA-INAF)
Peter Jonker (SRON)
Mark Kettenis (JIVE)
Benito Marcote (JIVE)
Javier Moldon (JBO-Manchester University)
Zsolt Paragi (JIVE)
Arpad Szomoru (JIVE)
Huib van Langevelde (JIVE)
Jun Yang (Onsala Space Observatory)

e-MERLIN is a National Facility operated by the University of
Manchester at Jodrell Bank Observatory on behalf of STFC.

Zsolt Paragi
Head of User Support

Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE)    Web:
Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4                  Phone:  +31 (0)521-596-536
7991 PD  Dwingeloo                        Mobile:  +31 (0)629-034-718
the Netherlands                                Fax:  +31 (0)521-596-539
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