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GCN Circular 22014

GRB 171010A: VLA Detection
2017-10-13T20:55:59Z (7 years ago)
Tanmoy Laskar at UC Berkeley <>
T. Laskar (NRAO / UC Berkeley), D. L. Coppejans, and R. Margutti
(Northwestern University) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We observed GRB 171010A (Omodei et al.; GCN 21985) at multiple frequencies
with the VLA beginning on 2017 October 13.32 UT (2.79 days after the
burst). At a mean frequency of 6 GHz, we detect a radio source with a
preliminary flux density of ~ 0.7 mJy at

RA = 04:26:19.4780 +/- 0.0005
Dec = -10:27:46.03 +/- 0.01

consistent with the Swift/XRT position (D'Ai et al.; GCN 21989) and the
optical position (Halpern et al.; GCN 21987, Izzo et al.; GCN 21988).
Follow-up observations are planned. We thank the VLA staff for rapidly
scheduling these observations."
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