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GCN Circular 2214

GRB030429, BVRcIc field photometry
2003-05-07T15:56:27Z (22 years ago)
Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA <>
A. Henden (USRA/USNO) reports on behalf of the USNO GRB team:

We have acquired BVRcIc all-sky photometry for
a 11x11 arcmin field centered about 3arcmin from the coordinates
of the optical transient (Gilmore et al. GCN 2184)
for the HETE burst GRB030429 (H2695; Doty et al. GCN 2211)
with the USNOFS 1.0-m telescope on two marginal nights.
Stars brighter than V=13.5 are saturated and
should be used with care.  We have placed the photometric data
on our anonymous ftp site:
The astrometry in this file is based on linear plate solutions
with respect to UCAC2.  The external errors are less than 100mas.
Due to the high airmass and drifting smoke from prescribed
forest fires, the external photometric error is larger
for B and Ic than normal; approximately 0.05mag.  We will
acquire additional photometry in the next week or so to
improve these errors.  We will also reposition to center
the optical transient.

As always, you should check the dates on the .dat file prior to
final publication to get the latest photometry.  There is
a README file on the ftp directory to give you information
about the procedures used to calibrate these fields.
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