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GCN Circular 22225

GRB 171205A: iTelescope optical observations
2017-12-10T12:51:52Z (7 years ago)
Veli-Pekka Hentunen at Taurus Hill Obs,A95 <>
Veli-Pekka Hentunen and Markku Nissinen (Taurus Hill Observatory,
Varkaus, Finland) report:

We have observed GRB 171205A field at iTelescope observatory (Siding
Spring, Australia) using T32  0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph. The optical counterpart
was detected at the position RA 11:09:39.6 and DEC -12:35:18.5.

The following magnitudes were obtained from the observations using
NOMAD1 0774-0294483 (V=15.610) as a comparison star:

Date                 Tmid(UT)    Filter         Exp. time     Mag         Mag.Err.
2017-12-09     17:00:25      unfiltered   10x120s      18.1 CV    0.5
2017-12-09     17:29:30      V                5x120s      17.4           0.6

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