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GCN Circular 22422

GRB 180204A: 15 GHz upper limits from AMI
2018-02-19T11:31:28Z (7 years ago)
Joe Bright at U of Oxford <>
J. Bright, R. Fender (Oxford), and K. P. Mooley (NRAO, Caltech; Jansky Fellow)

We have initiated the AMI short-GRB program. We observed the field of GRB 180204A (Page et al., GCN 22375) with the AMI Large Array at 15.5 GHz. Our observations on 2018 Feb 04.54, Feb 05.55, Feb 06.62 and Feb 09-11 (0.43 d, 1.44 d, 2.51 d and 5-7 d coadd post-burst) do not reveal any radio source at the XRT location (Osborne et al., GCN 22377), with 3sigma upper limits of 55 uJy, 54 uJy, 76 uJy and 63 uJy respectively.

Results from the AMI short-GRB program will be posted on the AMI-GRB database available at <>. We thank the MRAO staff for scheduling these observations.
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