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GCN Circular 22600

GRB 180402A: Fermi GBM refined spectral analysis
2018-04-04T18:32:57Z (7 years ago)
Christian Malacaria at U of Alabama/MSFC <>
C. Malacaria (NASA-MSFC/USRA) reports on behalf of the Fermi GBM Team:

"We report the refined spectral analysis of the
short-duration GRB 180402A
(Swift-BAT detection: Lien et al., GCN Circ. 22580;
Fermi-GBM detection: Malacaria, GCN Circ. 22585;
Konus-Wind observation: Svinkin, GCN Circ. 22588).

The time-averaged spectrum from T0-0.064 s to T0+0.192 s
is well fit by a power-law function
with an exponential high-energy cutoff.

The best-fit parameters are:
Alpha = -0.36 +/- 0.10, Epeak = 1319 +/- 161 keV.
The fluence (10-1000 keV) in this time interval is
(1.21 +/- 0.06)E-06 erg/cm^2.

The spectral analysis results presented above are preliminary;
final results will be published in the GBM GRB Catalog."
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