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GCN Circular 22776

GRB 180613A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
2018-06-14T03:12:15Z (7 years ago)
Amy Lien at GSFC <>
C. B. Markwardt (GSFC), S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC),
J. R. Cummings (CPI), H. A. Krimm (NSF/USRA),
A. Y. Lien (GSFC/UMBC), D. M. Palmer (LANL),
T. Sakamoto (AGU), M. Stamatikos (OSU),
T. N. Ukwatta (LANL) (i.e. the Swift-BAT team):

Using the data set from T-239 to T+625 sec from the recent telemetry downlink,
we report further analysis of BAT GRB 180613A (trigger #840853)
(Tohuvavohu et al., GCN Circ. 22769).  The BAT ground-calculated position is
RA, Dec = 211.545, -43.082 deg which is
  RA(J2000)  =  14h 06m 10.9s
  Dec(J2000) = -43d 04' 56.5"
with an uncertainty of 1.8 arcmin, (radius, sys+stat, 90% containment).
The partial coding was 96%.

The mask-weighted light curve shows some weak emission that starts
at ~T+25 s and ends at ~T+80 s. T90 (15-350 keV) is 50.8 +- 8.4 sec
(estimated error including systematics).

Because this trigger occurred when BAT was in the process of resuming to
normal operation from the recent reboot. The entire detector array had the
lower level discriminators set to a value higher than the level of normal operations.
Therefore, the standard spectral analyses are unavailable.

The results of the batgrbproduct analysis are available at
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