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GCN Circular 23112

GRB 180809B: LCO Sutherland observations
2018-08-10T08:59:56Z (7 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <>
C. Guidorzi, R. Martone (U. Ferrara), S. Kobayashi (LJMU), C.G. Mundell 
(U. Bath), A. Gomboc (U. Nova Gorica), I.A. Steele (LJMU), A. Cucchiara, 
D. Morris (U. of Virgin Islands) on behalf of a large collaboration report:

We observed Swift GRB 180809B (Moss et al. GCN 23105) with the LCO 1-m 
units at Sutherland Observatory (South Africa) on August 09, from 20:58 
to 22:29 UT (corresponding to 0.5 to 2.0 hours from the GRB trigger 
time) with the SDSS r' and i' filters. We clearly detect the optical 
afterglow (Moss et al; Lipunov et al. GCN 23109; Watson et al. GCN 
23110; Schweyer et al. GCN 23111) in both filters with the following 

Mid time from GRB���������� Exposure���������������� Filter Magnitude
trigger time (hrs)�������� (s)
0.55������������������������������������ 5x60������������������������ SDSS r'���������������� 19.54 +- 0.08
0.70������������������������������������ 5x60������������������������ SDSS i'���������������� 19.24 +- 0.07

as calibrated against nearby Pan-STARRS objects.
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